Why We’re Unionizing

Have you ever watched a Bon Appétit YouTube video or listened to a Wired podcast? Those are produced by Condé Nast Entertainment (CNE), our production studio and distribution division that works in parallel with Condé Nast editorial.

All of us are unionizing. Here’s why.


Condé Nast Union Mission Statement

We are the people who have kept Condé Nast at the forefront of media for more than a hundred years. We produce genre-defining work across culture, fashion, entertainment, politics, and beyond. We continue to set the industry standard at a time when the future of journalism is imperiled, media professionals are vulnerable to layoffs, and nuanced cultural conversation is increasingly rare. That’s why it’s time for us to have a seat at the table alongside management.

We are behind Allure, Architectural Digest, Bon Appétit, Condé Nast Traveler, Epicurious, Glamour, GQ, Self, Teen Vogue, them., Vanity Fair, Vogue, and Condé Nast Entertainment. We are thrilled to join our esteemed peers at The New Yorker, Wired, Pitchfork, and Ars Technica in unionizing with the NewsGuild of New York.

As a collective, we look forward to negotiating with Condé Nast leadership to create a more just and functional workplace, where diversity is truly valued. Where positions are compensated fairly, roles are well-defined, and openings are filled promptly. Where we rely less on permalancing and instill a sense of security, so workers see a future for themselves at the company. We want to continue to attract top talent, not lose it to layoffs, burnout, or better opportunities elsewhere. We know our vision for Condé is possible because we’ve seen the remarkable rights secured by our unionized coworkers.

Our historic unionization will set a precedent: that being on the cutting edge in this business means valuing workers. Condé Nast describes itself as "a media company for the future." And the future of media is unions.

Our strength is in our unity. We are writers, editors, producers, analysts, audience developers, copy editors, production managers, researchers, social media managers, and video creators. Though we represent many different roles and publications, we share the same vision of creating excellent journalism and entertainment, and coming together to achieve the right conditions to make it. We are calling on Condé Nast to voluntarily and swiftly recognize our union so that we can build a stronger future, together.

Condé Nast Entertainment Mission Statement

We are the producers, directors, editors and creators behind the digital and social content at Condé Nast Entertainment (CNE). We create, develop, and produce thousands of videos, including iconic series like Architectural Digest’s Open Door, WIRED’s Autocomplete, Vogue’s 73 Questions, and the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen. We work non-stop, crafting viral videos across all of the Condé Nast publications. Our work often goes uncredited — so you might not know our names or faces — but our digital footprint is all over your feed.

We love the work we do and we know CNE values it. It's time they valued us too. We are proud to announce we are unionizing with our colleagues across Condé Nast to join The NewsGuild of New York. We are thrilled to join our already unionized colleagues in moving Condé Nast and CNE towards a future where we as workers are centered.

As the content creators behind CNE, we demand to be recognized and protected as a workforce against the racial injustice, abusive temporary work policies, and lack of transparency set forth by executive leadership. Our teams face constant cuts even while the workload increases, leading to untenable hours and burn out. We cannot afford to have another colleague shoved out of the CNE revolving door.

It is time for those of us who are perpetual permalancers to be given access to paid time off, better healthcare, equal job opportunity, professional development, and staff-exclusive communications and resources. It is time for dayplayers to be paid a fair, competitive rate and a union standard for anyone working on our sets. It is time for Condé Nast to be held accountable for their rampant discrimination and inequity across all platforms. The changes we affect now at CNE will have lasting impacts across the industry. The time is now.

Together and united we are powerful. Our union represents many different roles and publications who share the same vision of creating excellent journalism and entertainment across Condé Nast. We’re ready to fight to win the conditions that will push Condé Nast to respect this vision. We call on Condé Nast Entertainment to voluntarily and swiftly recognize our union so that we can build a stronger future together.